Senin, 16 Maret 2020

Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris


Gambarlah seekor hewan, lalu  tulislah deskripsi hewan tersebut  serta buatlah terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia 

dikerjakan di selembar  kertas jeruk dan beri dekorasi agar karyamu menjadi cantik dan menarik . 

Selamat belajar

Laili Nirwani Smp 3: Tugas bhs inggris utk kls 7-1,2,3

Assalamu’alaikum, W.W 

Hello guys, how are you doing? Welcome again to my english class. On this occassion, you will have a test. Please answer the questions and see how far you get ready to UNBK. Good luck. !!!! 
                                                             Your teacher
                                                            Laili Nirwani 

Answer the following questions
The following text is for questions 1 and 2

Being one is the highest privilege.
Having one is the best blessing.

Happy Teacher’s Day!

1.      What is the purpose of writing the text?
A.    To send wishes to someone who celebrate Teacher’s Day.
B.     To invite someone to celebrate Teacher’s day.
C.     To announce the coming of Teacher’s day.
D.    To inform the readers that today is Teacher’s day.

2.      The recipient of the card is likely . . . .
A.    A janitor
B.     A teacher
C.     A student
D.    A housewife

The following text is for question 3
       Due to the ongoing theft of patients hand gel, the hand gel is now available at the reception desk.  Please ask for assistance.
3.      What is the purpose of publising the text?
A.    To announce the recurring theft.
B.     To ask people to meet at reception.
C.     To announce the place of hand gel.
D.    To introduce the new product of hand gel.

The following text is for question 4

4.      ‘Regret only 555.555.1234 ‘
The sentence means that those who . . . .
A.    Cannot come are asked to reply
B.     Plan to come should confirm their attendance
C.     Know the location of the party should come first
D.    Plan to give gift should inform the host in advance

The following text is for questions 5
We are here in Sumatera and staying in a hotel near the beach.  This morning we visited a beach called Lampuuk.  It was a beautiful with its white sand.  There were not many people around, so we enjoyed our time very much. We played beach volleyball with some other visitors.
          Tomorrow we are going to visit museum Negeri  and Tanoh Abee library.  Krisna can’t wait to see this places.  You know him.  He is always crazy about ancient things.
          I’ve got to go to bed because tomorrow we need a lot of energy for the long journey.

Miss you,

5.      The letter mainly tells us about . . . .
A.    Places of interest in Sumatera
B.     The hotel Dewi and krisna are staying at
C.     The beach volleyball tournament in lampuuk beach
D.    Dewi and Krisna’s activities during their visit to Sumatera

            Arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences.
6.            eating – innot – the canteen – Rezaright now is
                      1        2       3               4              5              6          7
A. 5-7-1-6-4-3-2
B. 5-7-3-1-2-4-6
C. 5-4-5-7-3-6-1
D. 5-2-4-6-3-7-1

The following text is for question 7
7.      The card  expresses . . . .
A.    Hoping
B.     Wishing
C.     Celebration
D.    Congratulations

The following text is for question 8
8.      Where can we probably find the text?
A.    On food lables
B.     At schools
C.     In the public parks
D.    In supermarkets

The following text is for questions 9 and 10 , choose the correct words to complete the text.
The summer olympics will be held next month.  Most of the participants are reday to battle it out.  They (a) . . . . to be able to give their best performance in the competition.  Many medals and prizes (b) . . . . for the winners.
9.      (a) . . . .
A.    expects
B.     is expected
C.     are  expected
D.    are expecting

10.  (b) . . . .
A.    have been prepared
B.     have been invented
C.     have been produced
D.    have been delivered

11.  mustthe childrenplaynotonfootballthe street
    1                    2              3        4       5            6                    7

A.    1-4-2-3-5-6-7
B.     2-1-4-3-6-5-7
C.     2-3-6-1-4-5-7
D.    5-7-2-1-4-3-6

The following text is for questions 12 and 13

          Baliem Valley or the grand Valley is one of the highlands in Papua.  The valley is about 80 km long and 20 km wide, with a population of 100,000.  This place is occupied by the Dani people.  The main town is Wamena, with its  (a) . . . . blue sky scenery.
          The valley was discovered by Richard Archbold in 1938.  Since then, it has been gradually been opened up to a limited amount of tourism. Now, Baliem valley has become one of the major tourist spots in papua.  Many tourists, (b) . . . . and overseas, have visited the place.

12.  (a) . . . .
A.    Colourful
B.     Delightful
C.     Wonderful
D.    Cheerful

13.  (b) . . . .
A.    Public
B.     Strangers
C.     Domestics
D.    International

The following text is for questions 14 - 16


We welcome you to the new sophisticated city museum.  It opens to public from 9 a.m until 6 p.m on Monday through Saturday, and from 8 a.m until 7 p.m on Sunday.  Information about special exhibit, classes and lectures can be obtained by calling our education office at 6667456.  Our guide will help you for free to do some research by ordering an appointment a week before.

14.  What is the announcement about?
A.    Welcoming new students
B.     New city museum opening
C.     Opening of a new exhibition hall
D.    University allowance for archeology field

15.  What should students do to get free guide for their research? They need to . . . .
A.   Pay the guide up first
B.   See the guide at the office
C.   Come to the museum after 9 a.m
D.   Make an appointment a week before

16.  “ Our guide will help you for free ...”
The underlined word refers to . . . .
A.    Costumer
B.     Workers
C.     Visitors
D.    Officers

The following text is for questions 17 and 18

Enjoy luxurious
authentic Betawinese cuisines in a rooftop restaurant
with a great view of Jakarta. Our signature dishes include:
@ Fragrant oxtail soup
@ Betawi salad with peanut sauce
@ Traditional Betawi omelette
Business hour details:
Sunday to Thursday   : 11.00 a.m to 10.00 p.m
Friday to Saturday      : 10.00 a.m to 08.00 p.m

Veroxia Building
Salemba Street No. 40, Jakarta

17.  Which of the following is NOT one of the dishes served in the restaurant?
A.    Betawi salad with peanut sauce
B.     Chicken and lamp satay with peanut sauce
C.     Oxtail soup
D.    omellette

18.  what time is the restaurant ready to serve on Tuesday?
A.    11:00 a.m
B.     10:00 a.m
C.     09:00 a.m
D.    08:00 a.m

The following text is for questions 19 - 21
-          CONGESTION
-          RUNNY NOSE
-          COUGH
-          HEADACHE
-          FEVER

                100 Tablets
                 USP 200 mg

Expired Date : 05 – 03 - -2015

19.  How does the drug work?
A. Slowly                    
B. Heavily                   
C. Quickly                   
D. Strongly

     20.  Which activity should not be done when taking the medicine ?
A. Driving vehicles     
B. Sleeping                  
C. Sitting                     
D. Eating

     21.  According to the label, the medicine should be used . . . .
 A. Any time
        B.  On fifth of March , two thousand fifteen
C.  After the fifth of March, two thousand fifteen
D.  Before fifth of march , two thousand fifteen

The following text is for questions 22 and 23


22.  What does the caution mean ?
A.    We should extinguish a fire on the mountain.
B.     We should climb the mountain carefully.
C.     We are allowed to climb the mountain.
D.    We are forbidden from climbing the mountain.

23.  Who is the text aimed at ?
A.    Firemen
B.     Campers
C.     Mountain Climbers
D.    People living on the slope of the mountain

The following text is for questions 24 - 28
          Sharks are the most fearsome predators in the ocean. They are excellent hunters and find their prey either by its smell, or by tracking the tiny electrical currents that the prey’s body gives out The word’s most dangerous shark is the great white. It can grow to be 12 meters long, and has a huge mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth. Great whites are found  in warm water all over the world. They sometimes attack bathers and surfers, but seals, and sea lions are the favorite prey.

24.  What is the great white’s favorite food ?
A.    Seal and Sea Lions
B.     Bathers and Surfers
C.     Sea horse and Sea cow
D.    Shrimp and Prawn

25.   What is the most dangerous Shark ?
A.     Great White
B.      Big Shark
C.      Blue Shark
D.     Black Shark

26.  Sharks are the most fearsome predators. The synonym of the word “fearsome” is....
A.    Dangerous
B.     Frightening
C.     Friendly
D.    Calm

27.  They sometimes attack bathers and surfers. What does the word “they” refer to ?
A.    Water
B.    Bathers
C.    Great Whites
D.    Surfers

28.  What does the “prey” mean....
A.    Predator
B.    Shark
C.    Food
D.    Hunter

For questions 29 and 30, choose the correct words to complete the text.

       Here is how to clean window glass for a better result.  First, make a ball from the newspaper.  Then, (a) . . . . it into the water.  After that, (b) . . . . the window glass using that wet ball of paper. Do it once again using dry newspaper.  Clean it with a piece of dry cloth. You will see the result.  The window glass will become clean and shining.
            29.  (a) . . . .
                        A. Take
                        B.  Stir
                        C.  Fill
                        D.  Dip

30. (b) . . . .
          A. Scrub
                        B. hold
                        C. mop
                        D. dry

                  The following text is for questions 31 - 33
A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Takengon.  The king and the queen had a princess.  Her name was Putri Pukes.  she married secretly with a man, but soon the king knew about the marriage.  The king got angry.  He asked the soldiers to lock her in her room.  Pukes tried to escape, but unfortunately, she was cought!
“You really make me angry! You are truly ungrateful daughter. If you want to leave this palace, leave it right now!”said the king. 
“but remember, don’t look back and never come back home, something bad will happen to you “, cursed the king .
Putri pukes was sad and confused.  She had to choose between her parents and her husband. Finally, she left the palace.  When she was walking, she heard her mother crying.  Putri pukes wanted to look back but she remembered what the king had said.  But, Putri pukes could not hold it anymore, then, she looked back at her mother.
Suddenly, thunder attacked the kingdom.  Rain fell heavily.  Everybody  got panic and run away.  When the rain stopped, the village had become a big lake and the princess had changed into a stone. The local people named the lake as “Laut Tawar Lake”. It is said that when someone visits the stone and feels sad like the princess, the stone will also cry.

31. Why was the king angry at he daughter?
A.    The king found out his daughter secret marriage
B.     The king wanted his daughter to get married soon
C.     His daughter was very naughty
D.    His daughter was still single
32. What is the purpose of the text?
A.  To amuse the readers
B.  To retell about putri pukes
C.  To describe about Laut Tawar Lake
D.  To tell how to go to Laut  Tawar Lake
33. What moral value can be learned from the story?
A.     Never tell your secret to others
B.      Never disobey your parents
C.   Never leave your parents
D.  Keep your promise

      The following text is for questions 34 and 35

34. What is the purpose of the text?
  1. to ask the people to drink Aceh Gayo Coffee
  2. to persuade people to buy the product
  3. to give information about the product
  4. to promote the product
35. How many grams EA can we find in a dozen cups?
  1. 138g
  2. 23g
  3. 11.5g
  4. 5.75g

The following text is for questions 36

Last year I participated in a swimming competition at Pante Pirak swimming pool. It was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of my school. My friends and I went to the swimming pool by car.
When we arrived there, the committee told us to sit in a big hall. There were many other participants waiting at the hall. They came from many different schools.
The first race was the butterfly stroke. I finished in second place and won a silver medal. My next race was the freestyle. I came in third, so I got a bronze medal.
Later, my friend competed in the backstroke and he won. Our friends cheered so hard for our team that they nearly lost their voices. We were so tired after the competition that we fell asleep in the car.
It was the first time I had taken part in a swimming competition. I was so happy because I won two medals.
36. How many victories did the writer’s team get?
        A. once    
        B. twice                      
        C. three times  
        D. four times

Read the text
Crispy Fried Shrimps
1.      Prepare all the ingredients, shrimps, corn flour, grated ginger, pepper, salt, cooking oil.
2.      Dip each shrimp into the whisked egg, then roll it on the mixture of corn flour.
3.      Fry the shrimp in the hot oil until its colour turn golden.
4.      Mix together the corn flour, salt pepper, seasoning and stir them thoroughly.
5.      Mix the shrimp and grated ginger. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes.
6.      Serve them together with a bottle of tomato sauce or chili sauce.

37. The correct arrangement of the sentences is . . . .
            A. 1-5-4-2-3-6
B.  1-4-5-2-3-6
C.  4-5-1-2-3-6
D. 4-1-5-2-3-6

38.  Arrange the words into meaningful sentence :
            The table  - cameonthe student whenwasthe teachersitting
A.    4-8-3-1-5-7-6-2                                         
B.     4-6-8-3-1-5-7-2                                          
C. 5-6-4-8-3-1-7-2 
 D. 5-6-7-8-3-1-4-2

The following text is for questions 39 - 41
Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard.One finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.
The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.
            Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its claws. The loosing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

39. . “..., an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off,...”
      The underlined word refers to....
  1. the winning rooster                            
B.    the loosing rooster
C.    the king
D.    an eagle

40. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.    The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey
B.     An eagle watching the rooster from a distance
C.     The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly
D.    The loosing rooster came out from its hiding place

41. What can we learn from the story?
A.    Your friend can be your enemy
B.     Always grab an opportunity before you
C.     There’s always a bigger enemy in this life
D.    Don’t be arrogant when we have achived our goal

The following text is for questions 42 and 43
Takengon, March 30th 2018
Dear Aisha
Hi there. How are things going with you? It’s good to know that you are doing fine bussiness. Have you received my postcard which I sent on my first day in Takengon, March 27th?
I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the most wonderful holiday I have ever had. There are a lot of interesting tourism place to visit, beautiful panorama along the way, unique local handycrafts, tasty traditional food, fresh fruits, special coffee, and much more. It’s Friday today. I can’t believe this is my last day. I wish I could spend more time here. Certainly, I will stay longer on my next visit.
I’ll be leaving for home at about 8 a.m tomorrow. If the traffic runs smoothly. I will reach Banda Aceh at night. On Monday I must go back to work. I can’t wait to show my video to my class.
Okay, that’s all for now. Send my love to your children

Best wishes,

42. How many days does  the writer spend her holiday in Takengon?
A.    two days                                 
B.     four days
C.     five days
D.    six days

43. The letter tells us about ....
A.    Khadeeja’s holiday in Takengon                                
B.     Khadeeja’s favourite places
C.     Aisha’s plan for Takengon
D.    Aisha’s letter

            The following text is for questions 44

            HEALTH NOTICE

44.  The notice means :
       A.  You can’t play in the school ground, and you must not bring your dog with you
       B.  You can play in the school ground but you must not bring your dog with you
       C.  You can’t play in the school ground but you must bring your dog with you
       D.  You can play in the school ground and you can bring your dog with you

For questions 45 - 47, choose the correct words to complete the text.

This is my classroom. It is square. It (a). . . . four windows on either side. There are 35 desks and 35 chairs for students in the classroom . There (b) . . . . also a table and a chair for the teacher.  At the front, there are a big whiteboard and a bookcase in the corner of the room. (c) . . . . the wall are clock, pictures of the President and vice President, a calendar, a duty roster and a time table.
     I like my classroom.  It is very comfortable.

45. (a) . . . .
            A. has              
B. have                        
C. had             
D. having

46. (b) . . . .
            A. is                
B. are              
C. was             
D. does

47. (c) . . . .
           A. on               
B. next to        
C. above                      
D. at

This text is for questions 48 - 50
Fish live in saltwater and freshwater all over the world.  They come in many different shapes and size, but most are covered in scales and have strong fins for swimming.  A fish’s scales all lie in the same direction to help the fish slip through water.
          Like us, fish need oxygen to live.  But instead of breathing air, they absorb the oxygen in water.  Water enters the mouth and is swept over the gills.  The oxygen passes from the water into tiny blood vessels in the gills.
          Fish often swim in groups called shoals.  One reason they do this is for protection.  Many fish together can confuse a predator.  This make it hard for the predator to single out fish.
48. Why do fish swim in groups?
A.  To absorb oxygen
B.  To attract predators
C.  To slip through water
D.  To protect  themselves

49. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A.To read about fish
B. To inform about fish
C. To describe about fish in general
D. To give detailed information about fish

50. “. . . . into tiny blood vessel . . . .”, The word ‘tiny’ has similar meaning with . . . .
            A. strong
            B. small
            C. long
            D. big

desaigned and posted by

Laili Nirwani 

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